Foundations of Education


Students complete a project management inventory.

Graded Tasks

  • prepare for your seminar this week

Project Management Inventory

Download and complete the project management inventory below:

Note: The above project management inventory is free and there is no requirement to provide personally identifying information. The results of the inventory are anonymous. The inventory was developed by the developer of this course website for the IASC 2P01: Foundations of Project Management course (which is open to any Year 2 or higher Brock student).

In preparation for your seminar this week, write out an answer to the following question. Your TA may call on you to share your answer in the seminar:
Q16.4: Complete the inventory on the "Project Management Inventory" topic page and reflect on the results. List up to three things that you have learned about yourself as a project leader from the test results. You can focus on how the results have surprised you or reinforced how you already see yourself as a project leader. (Answer Length: 100 - 125 words | Format: Point Form)
Potential Seminar Question
📌 Why are students being asked to complete a project management inventory in a teacher education course? The reason is that teachers (as it true of many professionals) are project managers. They develop year long plans for their classes and deliver multi-week instructional units (often several at the same time). So too, many teachers organize field trips, school musicals, plays, and sporting events etc. Although not always emphasized directly, project management skills are central to a K-12 teacher's role in a school. (They are also important skills for K-12 students to learn.)