Foundations of Education


Problematizes when adolescence begins and ends.

Key Concepts

  • early childhood
  • middle childhood
  • adolescence

Graded Tasks

  • prepare for your seminar this week

When Does Adolescence Begin and End?

The seminar question on the preceding topic page posits that adolescence begins at the age of 12 and ends at the age of 18. This is consistent with the roughly six-year stages of child/youth growth and development that most developmental psychologists have long subscribed to:

  • early childhood (ages 0 - 6) -> demarcated by birth
  • middle childhood (ages 6 - 12) -> demarcated by the loss of the milk teeth (around age 6)
  • adolescence (ages 12 - 18) -> demarcated by the onset of puberty (around age 12)
However, some developmental and educational psychologists argue that adolescence in fact begins earlier (age 10) and/or ends later (age 24).

Notably, most of the students in this course are under the age of 24, so you may have a particular interest in this question. Read the following article from the BBC:

Silver, Katie. (2018). 'Adolescence now lasts from 10 to 24' BBC. January 19. URL:

Debate Preparation

In preparation for your seminar this week, write out an answer to the following question. Your TA may call on you to share your answer in the seminar:
Q14.3: Imagine you are preparing for a debate. The debate resolution is: The age at which adolescence ends should change from 18 to 24. If your birth month is between January and June, prepare a series of bullet points that are in favour of this resolution. If your birth month is between July and December, prepare a series of bullet points that are opposed to this resolution. (Answer Length: 125 - 150 words | Format: Point Form)
Potential Seminar Question