Foundations of Education


Summarizes how self-assessment tests can help students and teachers reflect on their optimum learning and teaching styles.

Self-Assessment Tests

The previous topic page highlighted three examples of learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic.

But how do we know which learning style a student we are teaching favours? Similarly, how can we better understand our own preferred learning styles?

Over the years, educational psychologists have developed assessment instruments that can help determine a person's preferred learning style. Such instruments are often experimentally tested with large groups of people to help validate the test's accuracy.

Some 'learning style inventories' are administered to a learner by a professional, but most are self-assessment instruments that a learner can complete on one's own.

This week, you will have the opportunity to complete three such inventories:

  • a learning style inventory
  • a teaching style inventory (optional)
  • a project management inventory
Then, having had an opportunity to reflect on your learning, teaching, and project management styles, you will have a chance to share what you have learned about yourself as a learner, teacher, and project leader with your TA and peers during this week's seminar.

The first inventory is on the next topic page…