Foundations of Education


Introduces the topics for this week.

Course Components

Course Website: Yes
Scheduled Plenary: No
Scheduled Seminar: Yes - refer to your timetable for time and location
Online Forums: No


Week 6 explores the origins of public schooling in 19th century Ontario. The roles and importance of the modern day 'public school' are introduced. A timeline of key dates in the history of Ontario education during the 1800s is presented. Three focus topics then explore: 1) the origins of the common school and the experience of teaching and learning in a one-room schoolhouse; 2) the development of public schooling throughout the 1800s (textbook reading); and 3) a second perspective on the development of public schooling throughout the 1800s. The week's topics close with a review of the history of residential schooling for Indigenous children in Canada. In responding to the terrible legacy of residential schooling, the education-related Calls to Action from The Truth and Reconciliation Commission are reviewed.

Foundational Focus: History of Education

Required Readings

Robson, Karen L. (2019). Chapter 3: A Historical Overview of Education in Canada. Sociology of Education in Canada. Toronto: Open Library Press Books.
📌 You are encouraged to read the full chapter. However, you are required to read the following chapter sections: "Upper Canada 1790s–1850s"; "Upper Canada 1850"; "Confederation in 1867 and Section 93"; and "Post-Confederation Ontario". To assist you in focusing in on these sections, they are embedded into the website content for this week.